I’ve owned this domain for years (you don’t want to know) and have never really done anything with it. Recently, because I hadn’t updated my free Wordpress site in….a long time, I was a victim of major hacking. Fun. An example of how my tendency to be a slacker sometimes causes me strife. I have so many interests, and so many responsibilities, that I often find it difficult to realistically maneuver through my day without having to put something off until the last possible minute. Know what I mean?

I come by this honestly (looking at you, Dad) and I’ve always felt like the quintessential Procrastinaut. I’m just kind of out there, barely tethered. But I want to change. I’m trying to change it. Sometimes, I’m actually successful. I invite you to join me as I try to get past barely tethered.


Stephanie (The Procrastinaut)


Please note: in my quest to get better organized, I have gone through a bunch of different tools. Some I like, some just didn’t work out. At this point, I have not received any promotional materials to review—everything on here is my opinion, based on things I purchased myself. I'm a nobody, y'all, so there are no kickbacks. If that ever changes, I’ll let you know here.